
IRB Training Program

Completion of IRB-approved training is required of all persons conducting research with Human Subjects at, or in conjunction with, the ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æ.  If you have completed training at another institution, contact Kathryn Yerkes, IRB Administrator, to verify if the training is acceptable for ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æ IRB needs. Training must be competed no less than three (3) years prior to the submission of the IRB application.

Training consists of a number of modules which are grouped for your ease in selecting the correct track for your research:

Group 1 - Social & Behavioral Research

Group 2 - Biomedical Research

Group 3 - IRB members, DRB members & IRB Administrator (Faculty/Staff only)

Note:  It is not necessary to complete all of the modules in one session.  The CITI system retains your information and you can access it at any time.  Just be sure to remember your USERNAME and PASSWORD. 

A quiz follows each module.  You must attain an overall score of at least 80%.  When you have completed the entire training, please print out your completion report.  An e-mail of your completion will also automatically be sent directly to the IRB Administrator.


to start your training.  Once you have accessed the CITI website, follow these steps:

  1. Click on New Users Register Here.. 
  2. Locate the ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æ in the pull-down menu under Participating Institutions and click Submit.
  3. Follow the instructions to set up your username and PIN, be sure to remember this login information.  Click Submit.
  4. Enter information requested and Submit.
  5. Enter asterisk (*) fields only and Submit.
  6. Select your group and Submit.  If unsure, contact ORSP.
  7. Answer as appropriate and Submit.
  8. On the Learner's Menu Page, click on Grade Book link (in red) to begin and follow the instructions.
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