
Special Announcement: $200,000 Match

An anonymous donor wants to Celebrate Scranton in a BIG way leading up to the President's Medal Gala. Now through Friday, September 20, all new gifts made to Presidential Scholarships will be matched up to $200,000. That's right, every dollar will be doubled!  to support current and future Royals today. 

You're Invited to The President's Medal Gala


 Friday, September 20, 2024

At six o'clock in the evening 
Pier Sixty
New York, NY
Black Tie


jim slattery

James M. Slattery '86, H'23
Head of North America, Rosebank Industries PLC
For more information and questions, contact:
Eric Eckenrode: eric.eckenrode@scranton.edu 570-941-7719
Brad Troy '02: bradley.troy@scranton.edu 570-941-4312