
EXETER, STANLEY J. Class of 1955, G'71

Date: Jan 18, 2018
EXETER, STANLEY J. Class of 1955, G'71, Moosic, on January 18. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held Monday, Jan. 22, at 9:30 a.m. at Queen of the Apostles Parish Church, Hawthorne Street, Avoca, with Father Phillip Sladicka officiating. Friends may call Sunday, Jan. 21, from 5 to 8 p.m. at Kiesinger Funeral Services Inc., 255 McAlpine St., Duryea. Family and friends are asked to go directly to the church Monday morning for Mass. There will be no procession from the funeral home. AMVETS Honor Guard of Greater Pittston will provide military honors. Interment services will be privately held.
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