Prepare to Engage
Scranton has a rich tradition of fostering an experience in which students, both residential and commuter, get involved. Student Life is vibrant and varied, from ministries-based programs and leadership initiatives to student-run activities, clubs and organizations.
Events Calendar
Our students plan more than 900 events each year, creating a full campus calendar each and every week.
Living on Campus
You’re going to live comfortably here with options ranging from traditional residences for first-year students, to suite-style housing for sophomores, to apartments for juniors and seniors.

A 24/7 College Experience
Clubs & Organizations

Students can choose from more than 100 active clubs and organizations—from Urban Beats Crew, to rugby, to Habitat for Humanity.
Center for Student Engagement#25
Best Campus Food

You're going to eat well here - in the Princeton Review’s 2023 list of “Best Campus Food,” The ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ of Scranton ranked No. 25 nationally.
Community Service Hours

Each year, Scranton students serve 170,000 hours domestically and internationally, working with 120 non-profit organizations.
The Center For Service And Social Justice
Sports & Fitness

Scranton students are active—more than 1,500 are involved in recreational sports and intramurals and the ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ fields 23 intercollegiate teams at the NCAA Division III level.

Express Yourself

Our students are surrounded by the arts and a commitment to culture. Whether you’re a writer, musician, singer, actor or dancer, you’ll find ways to express yourself.

Take Part & Lead

Our students find may opportunities to develop leadership skills. Through experiences geared towards personal & professional development, they become capable, confident, lifelong leaders.
Leadership DevelopmentStudent Perspectives
Campus Life
All Are Welcome
Consistent with our Catholic and Jesuit identity, the ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ is committed to respecting the human dignity of all people. We strive to foster an inclusive living and learning environment for all students as we work together toward building a just society.

Health & Wellness
Attention to wellness gives you a more positive outlook, which helps you to positively influence,others. A healthy, balanced life; it’s the way to a better education, a better career, a better you.
Campus Ministry
The Office of Campus Ministry is the heart and soul of our campus! Everyone is welcome at our spirit-filled masses and prayer services. Our amazing weekend getaways to our retreat center at Chapman Lake offer a break from studies, a chance to think about where you’ve been and where you’re going, and have fun with friends.