Medical Parking Exceptions
Handicapped Parking
Faculty, staff, and students with a state issued handicapped parking decal may apply at the Parking Services Office for a ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ handicapped parking sticker. Appropriate documentation may be required in accordance with guidelines of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Handicapped parking spaces are reserved exclusively for those persons whose vehicles bear a ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ handicapped permit or visitors whose vehicles bear a permit, placard, or special license plate issued by state or federal authority. These spaces are marked with blue and white handicapped signs.
See the Campus Parking Map for handicap spots on campus.
*Any parking related problems, complaints, suggestions, or compliments should be referred to the Parking Service Manager, Parking Pavilion, 820 Mulberry Street, Scranton PA 18510.
Medical Exception
First Year and Sophomore Resident Students are not permitted to bring a vehicle to the ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ or to have access to a vehicle within the City of Scranton limits; however, a student may request a Medical Exception to The ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ parking policy.
- To request an accommodation, a student must submit the appropriate documentation through Accommodate. If this is the first-time using Accommodate, please follow the process outlined in the guide to complete the intake form. For returning users, follow the steps outlined in this guide to submit updated documentation.
- Students requesting a medical exception to the parking policy will be required to complete the Request for Medical Parking Exception Form. Download the form, fill out the student section only, save the form and forward it to their medical provider.
- The medical provider documentation for a medical parking exception for purposes of attending off campus medical appointments and/or treatment must include
- The frequency and duration of the scheduled appointments/treatment
- Start and end dates of appointments/treatment
- Why public transportation such as buses, Uber, Lyft or cabs are not an appropriate alternative forms of transportation.
- Why available (if any) telehealth services cannot be used as an alternative for in person appointments.
Medical documentation should be current and consist of an evaluation by a medical professional or health care provider within the previous 12 months that describes the current functional impact of the condition or disability as it relates to the accommodation requested.
4. The medical provider can fax the completed form to 570-941-6304, email the completed form to or return the form to you so you can upload it to the Accommodate system. If the medical provider submits the form via email, the form will be uploaded to Accommodate by an Office of Equity and Diversity (OED) staff member. If the student receives the form from their medical professional, the student must access Accommodate and upload the form. The physician/health care provider cannot be a family member.
The ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ reserves the right to request additional information.
5. OED will review the information received from the medical care provider and decide to grant or deny the accommodation. If the medical parking exception request is approved, the student will be notified by email of the decision.
Additional Information for Applicants
Parking passes are generally not granted for:
- periodic (less than once a week) medical or mental health appointments off-campus. Medical appointments can normally be accommodated by telehealth appointments, or using busing, Ubers, Lyft, or cabs. Medical parking passes are not granted for purposes of student or family convenience.
- Student to pick up prescriptions. Prescriptions can be obtained by medical mail order or from local pharmacies that are walkable from campus. Students can also utilize cabs, buses, Ubers, or Lyfts to obtain a prescription from the pharmacy. For circumstances outside of these criteria, the student should submit a parking exception request for review.