
History and I.S. Majors may pursue “on the job” experiences through off-campus internships where they use their knowledge and skills in work situations related to their majors.
In recent years History students have gained experience through work at the nearby Lackawanna Historical Society, the Anthracite Museum in Scranton, the State Museum in Harrisburg, the FDR National Historic Site at Hyde Park, and others.
International Studies majors have worked through The Washington Center in Washington, D.C. in gaining internship experiences in various federal offices and agencies. Several majors have set up internships in the offices of U.S. Senators and members of the U.S. House of Representatives.
Students may earn academic credit for these experiences. They may be completed during the regular academic semesters or during summers and Intersession.
Listed as HIST 390: History Internship, the catalog description is “A practical work experience which exposes the student to the nature of historical investigation, analysis, and/or writing in a museum, historical site, or public agency. Supervision by faculty and agencies. (3-6 credits)”
International Studies majors may wish to earn internship credit through the Department of Political Science. PS 480/481 provides 3-6 credits for experiences in many governmental or political settings.
Students wishing to set up an internship will need the agreement of a faculty member who would be willing to supervise the student’s experience as well as an on-site supervisor with the agency where the student is working.
History and I.S. majors may pursue specialized learning activities through Independent Study. As described in the ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ Catalog, such courses earn regular academic credit, however, they enable students to explore areas of personal interest.
The ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ Catalog describes HIST 382-383 as Guided Independent Study (with variable credit). The course is “Designed for advanced students. Working under the direction of a faculty member, the student will explore a topic in history through a planned program of reading, research, and writing.”
Students wishing to take advantage of this one-on-one opportunity should discuss their topic of interest with a faculty member who shares that interest and could guide the student’s learning experience most effectively. In recent semesters, students have pursued such topics as British Colonial Military History, 20th Century Ireland, Catholicism in Modern Europe, American Political Party Formation, Suffrage, Geography of Sport, and Human Rights in Latin American Literature and Film. (Some of these independent ventures qualified as Honors Program experiences.)
History and I.S. Majors may elect to study outside the United States for a semester or a year. I.S. majors, in particular, are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to learn about another culture and experience life in another country. Such experiences strengthen the student’s on-campus learning.
The ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ’s International Programs and Services (IPS) Office assists students in setting up their study abroad experiences.
In recent years, History and I.S. students have traveled all around the world. Scranton students gained from experiences in Germany, China, Egypt, England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Italy, and other locales.
Faculty/Student Research Program
Majors in History and I.S. may wish to take advantage of opportunities to be involved in faculty research. They can perform a variety of activities assisting a faculty member in research.
There is no cost for the Faculty/Student Research Program. Although students do not receive academic credit, they do receive transcript recognition. A FSRP Directory lists faculty members seeking student assistance. A student, however, may approach individual faculty members directly and inquire about their research interests.
Student/Faculty Teaching Mentorship Program
The Student/Faculty Teaching Mentorship Program offers advanced students the opportunity to assist and be mentored by faculty in teaching of selected courses. Together, they will plan the mentoring experiences that best fit the teaching requirements for the course.
There is no fee for this non-credit experience. Students do receive transcript recognition.