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Are students admitted into the nursing program as a first-year student?
Yes. When applying, the student needs to identify nursing as their major. Upon admission to the ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ, the student will be designated as a nursing major and will also have introductory nursing courses during the freshman year.
Are there any clubs or organizations just for nursing majors?
Yes, there is a Student Nursing Association. We also have a chapter of Sigma Theta Tau, the International Honor Society of Nursing.
Can a nursing student get a minor degree in another field?
Yes, this is possible but it is important that you discuss your intentions with your guidance counselor as soon as possible, preferably by the end of the freshman year, in order to meet the requirements for both degrees.
Can a nursing student study abroad?
Yes, nursing students can study abroad but this needs to be determined by the end of the freshman year. Due to clinical requirements associated with the nursing program, students will need to study abroad during the spring of the sophomore year. Nursing courses that would normally be taken in the spring will need to be taken in the fall of the sophomore year.
Can I graduate from here as a Nurse Anesthetist?
We do offer a Nurse Anesthetist program. This is an advance degree that requires at least two years of clinical experience as a Registered Nurse in a critical care setting prior to applying for the Nurse Anesthetist program.
Can nursing students play sports or be in ROTC and still be a nursing major?
Yes. The key to being successful is time management!
Do I need my own laptop as a nursing student?
Yes, nursing students take exams using online testing platforms beginning in their first year. Additionally,
Students enrolled in junior and senior undergraduate nursing courses use an online testing platform, known as ExamSoft®. The student interface, or test-taking application, is called Examplify, which is used to access, complete, and submit quizzes and exams. Examplify supports Mac, Windows, and iPad operating systems and can be used on virtually any modern computer; however, Examplify will not work on Chromebook, Android, or Linux operating systems.
Visit this link for more information about minimum system requirements for Examplify:
Do you arrange internships for nursing students?
No, we do not arrange or coordinate internships. We highly recommend that students seek opportunities to engage in caring for people as a means to reinforce school-based learning however, this is not a requirement.
How are simulation models utilized in nursing education?
The models are often used to simulate clinical experiences that the student may not encounter in the hospital. Simulation also provides faculty the opportunity to evaluate the thinking process and bedside manner of our students as they perform a physical assessment for a critical health problem.
How are students prepared for the licensure exam?
- Students are tested in a manner that is different than that of high school. Testing is at the “application” level, meaning that students are not tested on the recall of information but rather on how they will apply what they know to a specific question. For example, to memorize an abnormal lab value is recall. To be tested at the application level a student may be asked about symptoms the patient may experience as a result of the abnormal lab value, the potential risk to the patient, how the lab value correlates to the medical diagnosis and the actions needed to correct the abnormal value.
- Many nursing students take exams on the computer which allows for immediate feedback regarding incorrect responses. In addition, exposure to computerized testing now may help to decrease test anxiety when taking the National Licensure Exam which is computerized.
- Senior nursing students remain on campus for one week following graduation. During this week, an intensive review of nursing content is provided. This serves as a preparatory review for the licensure exam.
How many students are admitted into the nursing program?
Approximately 70 students. We do not have input regarding which students are accepted. Specific questions regarding the admission process are best directed to the Admissions Department.
I would like to be a Nurse Practitioner. Do you have that program?
Yes, we do offer a Nurse Practitioner degree. This is an advanced level of nursing education. A Bachelor Degree in Nursing is required prior to applying for this program.
Is it difficult to complete the service-learning component?
No. There are numerous opportunities available for students to choose from and announcements of these opportunities are posted.
What classes should be taken in high school to increase my chances of getting into nursing?
A strong background in health-related sciences such as, chemistry, biology, anatomy and physiology, would provide a strong foundation.
What do students do during clinical?
During sophomore year nursing students will begin clinical in our Nursing Education and Simulation Center labs learning physical assessment skills with simulation models. Students will then progress to clinical in long-term care facilities or non-acute settings where they can then apply those learned skills.
In the junior and senior year nursing students will have clinical 2 days per week. During the clinical experience students will assume care of the patients to whom they have been assigned by their instructor. Students will perform physical assessments, document findings, perform wound care or dressing changes as needed, administer medications, evaluate laboratory values, consult with the Registered Nurse, and provide patient education.
What is service-learning?
As a Jesuit ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ, our mission is to “serve others”. Nursing students are required to complete 40 hours of “service to others” during their freshman and sophomore year. During the junior and senior year of the nursing curriculum, service hours are acknowledged as a result of their engagement with patients during the clinical rotations.
What is the teacher to student ratio in class? In clinical?
The classroom ratio is approximately one instructor to 35 students. In the clinical setting, the instructor: student ratio is 1:8. We do not have a preceptor model therefore; the nursing instructor is with the student on the assigned hospital unit.
When do nursing students start clinical?
This begins in the sophomore year. Students have clinical in a long-term care facility or in a non-acute setting. This experience provides time for the student to apply skills learned in their Physical Assessment Course and to become comfortable with rendering basic nursing care.
Where do students go for clinical?
There are three local hospitals in Scranton. Students may also be assigned to a hospital in Wilkes-Barre which is approximately 40 minutes away. Some clinical experiences occur within the community and will require local travel. We have an optional pediatric clinical experience at the Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia. For this particular rotation, students complete the clinical requirements over the course of two long weekends. Students must provide their own transportation to clinical sites.
Where can students study abroad?
There is a department on campus that specifically works with students interested in studying abroad. Students can study abroad in various countries. The decision is largely based on the desire of the student.