Who's Coming List
1965plus or minus
1970plus or minus
1980plus or minus
Mark Biedlingmaier
Mary Dombrowski
Nancy Elbert
Kathleen Fisher
Mark Fracas
Joyce Heneghan
Robert Kelly
William Kullman
Kevin Loughney
Ellen Masterson
John (Steve) Mercer
Carol Moore
Marianne Phillips
Albert Russo
Stephen Sandherr
Thomas Schaible
Debbie Szczenski
Kathy White1985plus or minus
Joseph Mingey
Rich Walker1990plus or minus
Gina Archer
Brian Archer
Robert Ax
Patricia Boylan
Alison Byrne
Ray Delaney
Jim Doherty
Maura Dolan
Jerry Donahoe
John Douthit
Beth Ann Flynn
Colleen Fox
Joanna Gallagher
Tricia Mazzella
Sharon McNulty
Maureen (Canning) Nugent
Mary Ellen Pajunas
Mark Phelan
Patricia Young
Dawn Zapotok1995plus or minus
Sharon Beacham
Allison Beyersdorf
Eileen Bowers
Chris Caramore
Anthony Cavana
Joe Denning
Laarni Forte
Dawn Jacobson
Lori Jentsch
Kerry Johnson
Kathy Kelly
Brian Lill
Susan LoGiudice Klein
Craig Malek
Tara McMahon
Ray Mulry
justin nastro
Lisa Renga2000plus or minus
Melissa Biscotti
Jaime Ciffone
Kevin Corr
Mary Ko
Nancy Molinet
Stephanie Olsen
Ann Marie Rybka
Kelly Walsh2005plus or minus
Katie Chertok
Meghan Corr
Eileen Donnelly-Phillips
Sybil Jeffs
Jeanne Shanline
Sameera Sullivan
Kelly Volk2010plus or minus
Katherine Abrams
Jennifer Barrett
Elizabeth Bullis
Erica Joyce
Elizabeth Pulice-Wideman
Erini Rockell
Katherine Salhany
Sylvia Szerszen
Jacqueline Viviano2015plus or minus
James Greene
Mary Longest
Chris Peticca
Jeanine Peticca (Briotte)2020plus or minus
Amy Kaiser
Emily Loftus
Scranton Alumni
Contact Us:
Division of ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ Advancement
Office locations:
3rd and 4th Floor
600 Linden Street
Scranton, PA 18510
Mailing address:
800 Linden Street
Scranton, PA 18510
Office locations:
3rd and 4th Floor
600 Linden Street
Scranton, PA 18510
Mailing address:
800 Linden Street
Scranton, PA 18510