

Counseling Center Group Descriptions

adobestock_357310108.jpegThe Counseling Center offers groups which address a wide variety of issues facing today's university students.  Groups may change each semester based on the needs that our counselors observe throughout their daily practices.  Check back here often and on our Instagram (@uofscc) for updates!  Note:  All groups require registration and have group size limits.  Please call the Counseling Center (570) 941-7620, visit RoyalSync or stop by the center to register.

Understanding and Managing Stress & Anxiety Workshop

There are times in all our lives when we may feel overwhelmed and will experience anxiety that affects our daily lives.  Class workload, deadlines, relationships, and more can be among the causes that contribute to these feelings of anxiety.  

Join us for either of the two workshops to discuss sources and effects of anxiety, and ways to understand and manage them.

 Session 1: Thursdays at 12pm Dates: February 20th, 27th, March 6th, 13th

Session 2: Tuesdays at 12pm Dates: March 25th, April 1st, 8th, 15th

Please register for this workshop by scanning the QR Code, calling the Counseling Center at (570) 941-7620, or by registering at my.scranton'sRoyalSync/Counseling Events page.

Anxiety Spring

Book Group - The Happiness Trap

The Happiness Trap is based on an empirically-supported model known as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).  ACT is a unique and creative model for coaching and therapy that is based on the innovative use of mindfulness and values.  This group will explore beliefs about what it means to be happy while utilizing strategies from ACT to promote meaning and better well-being.

Session 1: Fridays at 12pm starting February 21st

 Book Group

Women's Support Group

Are you a female identifying student who is looking for support within a SAFE and WELCOMING environment?

This discussion group is tailored for female identifying students who are looking for a safe and engaging space to process, connect, and group.

Topics will be tailored to group attendees, but themes may include:
-Navigating relationships
-Coping with mood/anxiety struggles
-Body Image

The group will run once 10 members have joined! Fridays at 2pm starting February 21st.

Women's Group

Men's Group

Are you a male identifying student who is looking for a SUPPORTIVE and SAFE space to explore different topics related to identity, masculinity, and mental health?

Goals achieved in this group:
-Fostering Self-Awareness
-Encouraging Emotional Expression
-Build Community
-Promote Healthy Coping

The group will run once 10 members have joined! Tuesdays at 12pm starting February 25th.

Men's Group

Living In Grief and Healing Together Group

L.I.G.H.T. is a collaboration group with Campus Ministry and allows students to gather with peers to talk about the many aspects of grief and loss. Additionally, L.I.G.H.T. programs offer grieving students the chance to learn about the grief process and utilize prayer as a source of support through the difficult journey of grief.

Dates: February 25th. March 26th, April 24th



Benefits of Group Counseling

  1. You are not alone.   Groups provide support and make you realize that other students experience similar challenges. You are not as different or alone as you think.
  2. Groups provide a sounding board.   Groups can offer a different perspective. You can receive support AND share your wisdom.
  3. Groups can propel you forward.    Hearing from others on how they've overcome difficulties can be encouraging. During the group experience, you will likely meet people representing a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences. Listening and learning from every member's perspective provides members with greater insight into your own personal growth and development.
  4. Groups promote social skills.   While it is common for students to feel anxious prior to attending their first group, most students feel relieved and more comfortable as the sessions progress. Remember, it takes time to feel comfortable speaking up in a group, adjusting to group norms, and experiencing the benefits of group. It is important that you share at your own pace.
  5. Groups teach you about yourself.    Groups can be a way of uncovering the areas that may be blocking your ability to overcome your issues.
  6. Do I have to reveal all my deepest secrets and feelings to the group?   NO, you do not. You alone decide how much you want to share an­d no one can force you to reveal your secrets or feelings.  Most group members tend to share more about themselves when they feel safe in the group.  We encourage you to be aware of your pace for group involvement and to share when you feel comfortable doing so.
  7. What if a member of the group is my friend or classmate?   We recognize that it might be awkward to be in the same group with a friend/classmate.  Please let the group leader know immediately if you have an existing relationship with someone else in the group if that is a concern to you.  If that happens, the group leader, in consultation with each person, will decide how best to resolve this situation.
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