News and Events 2022-2023
Cultural Events
World Languages and Cultures Open House

Have you ever wondered how learning a language can help you personally or professionally? Would you like to learn more about what it would take to add a language major or minor to your current degree? Or are you wondering what languages are available at the ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ? Students got answers to these questions and more at the World Languages and Cultures Open House! They met WLC faculty, Fulbright Teaching Assistants, and Language Center tutors, enjoyed light refreshments, and learned about the courses and programs in our department on October 4th in the Language Learning Center.
World Languages and Cultures TA Talks
In 2023, the World Languages and Cultures Department was pleased to host the 17th annual TA Talks, featuring the World Languages and Cultures Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistants and Visiting Instructors from Taiwan, Argentina, Germany, France, and Kuwait who teach Chinese, Spanish, German, French, and Arabic.
The first 2023 TA talk for the Spring Semester, presented by the World Languages and Cultures, took place on March 30th where Magali Ferrer from Argentina, Audrey Lecerf from France, and Badoor Albuloushifrom Kuwait shared about their countries. Students, faculty, and staff as well as local high school teachers and students from Montrose Area High School, Riverside High School, Pocono Mountain High School, Wyalusing High School, Scranton High School, and Scranton Prep were present for the talk.
Spanish FLTA Paula Magali Ferrer shared about her home country of Argentina, its diverse landscapes, and what Argentinians value, including family time, parties, and spontaneity. French FLTA Audrey Lecerf shared about her home city of Lille, France, similarities and differences between French and English as well as France and the U.S., and what defines French culture, such as its varied foods, work-life balance, love for debate, and multiculturalism. Finally, Arabic FLTA Badoor Albuloushi talked about her life in Kuwait and its desert climate, stereotypes of Kuwaiti life versus how she actually lives, and about the rich lifestyle lived by those in Kuwait, including strong family ties, traditional festivals and gatherings, and beautiful beaches and places to visits.
The second TA talk took place on Tuesday, April 25th. Guests enjoyed various snacks and drinks before listening to Lily Chiang, the Taiwanese visiting instructor, and Celine Seeger, the German FLTA, present on their countries. Professor Yun "Lily" Chiang spoke on Taiwan’s location and touched on how it is in the heart of Asia. She mentioned how Pennsylvania is three times the size of Taiwan. She emphasized that Taiwan and China are two different countries since Taiwan has its own government. Professor Chiang also touched on the after-school system and how much education is emphasized in Taiwan. German FLTA Celine Seeger discussed Germany’s geographical characteristics and how it could be generally divided into four zones including the lowlands, low range mountains, Alps, and the high mountains. Seeger, herself, is from the Black Forest. The information on the education system was fascinating to listen to as it was learned that after four years of primary school, students are separated based off their aptitude. Germans also have thirty percent more free time than Americans as they place an emphasis on family time. Lastly, it was discussed that Germans have all their basics needs covered including healthcare. At the end of the talks, guests were allowed to ask questions to the presenters and engage in lively conversation regarding Taiwan and Germany.
Celebrate Argentina

Students celebrated Argentina on October 26th, where they learned to prepare mate, played traditional Argentinean games, tesed your knowledge through Argentinean trivia, and designed a rosette or guacho hat at this event with the guidance of Spanish FLTA Magali Ferrer.
German Christmas Markets

German Fulbright Teaching Assistant Celine Seeger introduced everyone to German Christmas markets on December 5th by sharing traditiona
l Christmas songs, children's punch, and Christmas cookies. She also taught everyone a bit of history and German culture while they made traditional crafts to celebrate the holidays.
Chinese Moon Festival
Chinese Visiting Instructor Yun Chiang celebrated the Moon Festival with her Chinese students by sharing moon cakes and tea with them. She taught them about the traditions surrounding the Mid-Autumn Festival and they watched the festivities online.
International Education Week

International Education Week is an opportunity to celebrate the benefits of international education, promote programs that prepare Americans for a global environment, and encourage students to study, learn, and exchange experiences. To support International Education Week and language learning, the FLTAs and visiting instructors hosted an International Education Week conversation hour at Northern Lights where students could talk with them about their experiences living, teaching, and studying abroad.
American Sign Language Students in the Community

Learning American Sign Language (ASL) at the ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ is so much more than classroom instruction. This year we collaborated with the Scranton School for Deaf and Hard of Hearing, the Abington Community Library and the Choices for Children Early Intervention program to put our classroom skills to use in the community. As with all of the language courses at the ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ, classroom instruction is done in the native language - it this case without the use of voice. Students have the opportunity to develop their skills so that they are able to communicate with native speakers. This year students have had the opportunity to take their classroom learning into the community and participate in storytelling at the library, Christmas on the Green and Family Learning Day sponsored by partners in the community. For the first time this Spring, students partnered with Campus Missions and Ministry to offer a Mass that includes sign language and is accessible to members of the community. A family attending Mass had this to share, "This is so important for our family. To be able to attend a Mass where we can all participate, together, is truly a blessing! "
As students graduate and go into the world, it is amazing to know that they will be ready and able to use their language skills to make our community a more inclusive place for everyone!
French Game Night
On March 7, French Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant, Audrey Lecerf, held a French Game Night. During this event, guests were able to play a multitude of games including: Loup-garou, 7 Familles and French Pictionary. Their knowledge of the language were tested, with a short quiz and other activities. Snacks and sweet from France were shared with attendees.
Taiwanese Night Market
On April 17, many members of the ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ gathered to experience a Taiwanese Night Market. Host of the event Chinese language instructor Lily Chiang offered a presentation on various foods found in Taiwanese night markets, from the most popular cuisine to the most interesting delicacies. She also presented basic Mandarin phrases used in Taiwan. Those who attended were able to sample Taiwanese night market culture with boba milk tea and Taiwanese snacks, including pineapple cakes. Participants were also given 300 New Taiwan dollars, equivalent to $10, in faux currency to play night market games, such as popping balloons with darts.

Kuwaiti Coffee and Henna
A cultural event celebrating Kuwait was held on Feb. 22, hosted by the Arabic Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Badoor Albuloushi. Through an informative speech and trivia, guests learned about Kuwait and its culture. They also learned how to write their name and short phrases in Arabic. Activity tables provided an immersive experience, including one station for refreshments such as Arabic coffee, Saffron tea, Karak tea, and Kuwaiti sweets. At another station, guests were invited to put on beautiful henna designs. At a photo booth, attendees wore Kuwaiti traditional outfits and took pictures with friends.
Albuloushi, born in Kuwait, studied teaching English as a second language at Kuwait ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ and earned a master’s degree and Ph.D. in Special Education, Gifted Education at Arabian Gulf ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ in Bahrain. Earlier in the academic year, she shared her background in an introduction to the ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ community.
Faculty Scholarship
Dr. Marzia Caporale
Book reviews of:
- African Filmmaking : Five Formations. Kenneth Harrow. East Lansing : Michigan State UP, 2017 Nouvelles études francophones (2022).
- La langue qu’elles habitent. Écritures de femmes, frontières, territoires. Edité par María Carmen Molina Romero et Montserrat Serrano Mañes. Bruxelles, Peter Lang éditeur, 2020. Etudes francophones (2022).
Conference presentation:
March 10-13 2022, NeMLA, (Northeastern Modern Language Association conference) Baltimore. “For a New Poetics of Gender in banlieue Cinema: From La haine to Today.”
Journal article:
“Popular Culture as Pedagogy: Teaching ‘Il Canto di Ulisse’ from Dante to Jovanotti in the American College Classroom.” Special volume of Perspectives Médievales, Fall 2022-Winter 2023
Dr. Caporale also ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ as a teacher of Italian conversation for the Gathering Place, a non-profit community center in Clarks Summit.
Dr. Yamile Silva

During Spring 2022, Dr. Silva researched at the Biblioteca de Cataluña in Barcelona. She has been collecting Abigail Mejía’s newspaper articles published during her stay in Barcelona (1909-1925). Abigail Mejía (1895-1941) was one of Latin America’s prolific writers during the first part of the 20th century.
Also, during Spring 2022, Silva contributed to the digital project Unlocking the Colonial Archive organized by LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collections (LLILAS Benson) at the ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ of Texas at Austin (United States); the Digital Humanities
Hub at Lancaster ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ; and Liverpool John Moores ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ (United Kingdom):
Since Spring 2022, Silva has completed the following scholarships:
Invited Co-Editor for a Thematic Dossier in a Refereed Journal
"‘Yo llana estoy’: jerarquías, transgresiones y despliegues de género en América hispana colonial (1492- 1898)” Co-edited with Ana María Díaz (Oberlin College). Thematic Dossier. Revista de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades/Journal of Gender and Sexuality Studies (Michigan State ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ Press) Vol. 48.1 (July 2022), Introduction, 5 essays, 2 academic interviews. 50,000 words.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Silva, Yamile. "Narrativas de lo gótico en «La extraña» (1922) de Abigail Mejía" Revista de Estudios Hispánicos. (Forthcoming 2022).
Academic Interviews
- Díaz, Ana María and Silva, Yamile. “Recuperación de las voces silenciadas de los archivos en la escritura de Tatiana Lobo Wiehoff.” Revista de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades/Journal of Gender and Sexuality Studies (Michigan State ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ Press) Vol. 48.1 (July 2022).
- Díaz, Ana María and Silva, Yamile. “Divulgación de escritoras y artistas dominicanas en la voz de la poeta Ylonka Nacidit-Perdomo.” Revista de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades/Journal of Gender and Sexuality Studies (Michigan State ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ Press) Vol. 48.1 (July 2022).
Archival transcriptions
- Martos de Bohorques, Gonzalo; Peralta, Alonso de; Bernardo de Quirós, Gutierre; Paraya, Juan de la; Mañozca, Pedro de, 2022, "Segundo proceso contra Francisco Hernández, mulato esclavo de Pedro López Hidalgo, curtidor, vecino de esta Ciudad de Mexico, 1602”, , Texas Data Repository, V1
- Palóu, Francisco, 1723-1789 (autor / author), 2022, "Carta a Fray Junípero Serra sobre el estado de las misiones de Alta California, 1774 enero 14", , Texas Data Repository, V1
Scholarly Talks, Chair and Panel Organizer and Public Presentations
- Discussant for the Panel “Locuacidad escandalosa: cuerpo, habla y performance femeninos en los archivos inquisitoriales de Lima y Cartagena de Indias” Congreso Internacional “Iglesia e Inquisición en el contexto global, siglos XVI-XVIII. Nuevos problemas, enfoques y metodologías.” CEPYL, Lima, Perú. 15-18 de noviembre, 2022
- Talk ”Narrativas de lo gótico en ‘La extraña’, de Abigail Mejía” III Congreso Internacional CreadorAS en la Educación Literaria e Intercultural (CICELI), Universitat de Valencia, Spain. July 14-16, 2022.
- Chair and Panel Organizer Colonial Section, “Representaciones del espacio en el período colonial latinoamericano (1492-1898)” Congreso virtual LASA2022: Polarización socioambiental y rivalidad entre grandes potencias, May 8-10, 2022.
- Keynote Speaker, invited by the Doctoral Program in Gender Studies at Universidad de Oviedo in Spain, “Archives as a Feminist Tool” on April 26, 2022.
Silva continues serving as a member of the Executive Committee Board of the Colonial Section in the Professional Organization LASA (Latin American Studies Association). On March 26, 2022, Silva co-organized with Caroline Egan (Northwestern ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ) a virtual seminar for the LASA Colonial Section titled “La Inquisición de México y las Islas Filipinas: vigilancia y comunicación a través del Pacífico” by Dr. Miguel Rodrigues Lourenço from the Universidad NOVA de Lisboa. In April 2022, she was a peer-reviewer for the academic journal Cuadernos de Literatura of the Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá, Colombia. Finally, Silva was invited to teach a graduate seminar on Archives as a feminist Tool at the Doctoral Program in Gender Studies at Universidad de Oviedo in Spain on April 26, 2022. During Summer 2022, she served as peer-reviewer for the academic journal Chasqui. Finally, Silva served as the Chair for the 2022 Maureen Ahern Doctoral Dissertation Award in Colonial Latin American Studies (LASA).
Dr. Habib Zanzana
Dr. Zanzana published two peer-reviewed articles. The first focused on Don Quixote and Dulcinea and appeared in a book on Spanish Golden Age literature. The second article was published in Milan, Italy, and examined migration, multiculturalism, and identity in contemporary Italian literature.
- “Don Quixote and the Construction of Dulcinea, in Cosmic Wit: Essays in Honor of Edward H. Friedman.” Juan de la Cuesta Hispanic Monographs, March 2021.
- “The Kaleidoscope of Cultures in Contemporary Italy in Amara Lakhous’s Clash of Civilizations over an Elevator in Piazza Vittorio,” CROCEVIA, Edizioni Universitarie di Lettere Economia Diritto, Milan, Italy, June 2022, 141-163.
Dr. Virginia Picchietti
Dr. Virginia Picchietti, Professor of Italian, organized and chaired two sessions, "Texts in Their Times" at the online conference of the American Association for Italian Studies in May 2022. She is also chair of the committee for the annual Distinguished Service Award of the American Association of Teachers of Italian and contributor to the association's newsletter.
Dr. Roxana Curiel

In Spring 2022, Dr. Roxana Curiel finished a paper for the Faculty Success Program of the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD). Her work, "De Roma a Juchitán: Intimacies and Colonial Gaze in Alfonso Cuarón's Roma and Graciela Iturbide's Photography," will be submitted to the Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies. She also wrote a critique piece with her SPAN 315 “Migrations Across the Americas” students. They went to see the play A Good Farmer offered by the Academic Theatre Program/ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ Players and felt compelled to speak about it. Their piece unpacked the play's shortcomings and promoted an informed understanding of citizenship and the criminalization of Latinx migrants in the U.S. Dr. Curiel was awarded the ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ Faculty Development Grant (Summer 2022) for the project “De muxe a muxe: Meuxeidad and the Third Gender in Zapotec Culture.” She spent the summer performing an ethnography of two muxe artists, Elvis Guerra and Luka Avedaño, which is part of her book manuscript, Machorras: Embodying Identity Against Mexicanidad.
She also created “Robles,” a drag performance piece with fellow dragtivist Nancy Cázares and musician Gabriel Tepichín. They were invited to perform it at the Archivo de la Ciudad de México as part of the talk series, “Disidencia, resistencia y movilización. La diversidad sexual en la Ciudad de México a través de sus archivos.” In the performance, they told the story of Colonel Amelio Robles and their transition during the Mexican Revolution (1910), along with current stories of violencia machista against trans women in Latin America. The piece's success has led to several invitations to perform at festivals and LGBTQIA+ events.
In Fall 2022, Dr. Curiel was invited to write a chapter on queer theory by scholars from Harvard and the Universidad Autónoma de México collaborating in an edited book, Teoría Queer en México: Disidencias, Diversidades y Diferencias, under contract with Editorial Signos. She will present a performative version of that chapter, “White Bunny: latinidad, racialización y estética cuir en la música de Bad Bunny,” at the American Studies Association 2022 Annual Meeting. Latinx students also invited her to be a faculty advisor in creating an ALPFA (Association of Latino Professionals for America) chapter at the ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ.
Finally, during the celebration and commemoration of Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month, Dr. Curiel designed a series of workshops on “Latinidad, Art, and Identity” for the Marywood ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ program STARS (Students Together Achieving Remarkable Success), dedicated to Latinx Youth in 7th-12th grade. She also was part of the panel discussion “Building DEI Partnerships for Students Leaning Inside and Outside the Classroom” at the ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ DEI Faculty Workshop, "Creating a Welcoming and Inclusive Classroom." She will also have a panel conversation on how the Latino/x/e communities navigate various labels and their identity, organized by the Multicultural Center.