
Financial Aid

General Information

In 2019, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania passed Act 16, creating the Fostering Independence Tuition Waiver (FosterEd) Program, amended by Act 91. The FosterEd Program provides tuition waivers at postsecondary institutions for eligible youth who are or have been in foster care. The program is being administered collaboratively by the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) in conjunction with the PA Departments of Education (PDE), Human Services (DHS), and Labor & Industry (L&I).

Student Eligibility Requirements:

 To be eligible for a FosterEd waiver, the student must:

  • Be a current resident of Pennsylvania at the start and during the term for which the waiver is awarded.
  • Have not reached the age of 26 by July 1 of the upcoming academic year for which the FosterEd waiver is received.
  • Have graduated from high school or have received a Commonwealth Secondary School Diploma.
  • Be eligible for services under Pennsylvania’s John H. Chafee Foster Care Program for Successful
  • Transition to Adulthood.
  • Be identified as a youth who is in foster care, or was discharged from foster care on or after attaining age 16, OR has exited foster care on or after age 16 to adoption or permanent legal guardianship.
  • Be enrolled as an undergraduate, at least half-time, in a postsecondary institution that is approved by the U.S. Department of Education for Title IV student assistance programs in PA.
  • Have unmet cost for the PA Chafee Education and Training Grant (Chafee ETG), as determined by the postsecondary institution.
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress as determined by the institution.
  • Not be in default on a federal student loan or owe a refund on other Title IV aid.
  • File a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) for the academic year for which the waiver is being requested.
  • File an application for Chafee ETG.
  • Have not previously received a waiver for five (5) years (consecutive or not), defined as ten (10) semesters or the equivalent, for undergraduate study.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Emily Hendry, Assistant Director of Financial Aid
Financial Aid Office
St. Thomas Hall Suite 400
800 Linden Street
Scranton, PA 18510
Telephone: 570-941-7732
Email: emily.hendry@scranton.edu


Secondary point of contact:

Jonathan Kirby, Assistant Director of Financial Aid
Email: jonathan.kirby@scranton.edu


For more information please visit , additional funding opportunities, under other educational aid.

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